A Novice Beekeeper Married into an Azorian Family. It's an Adventure.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Three Days into the experiment...or Move in Week

So, on Thursday, we put the bees in the hive. The video we posted helped make it quick, easy and smooth. The girls gave no resistance yesterday when I took what was left over of the syrup and put it in the front feeder and put a pollen patty on top. Also known as a grease patty and took the empty box and queen box out.

These are the girls, as we got them

The empty box after the Ladies were done moving into the hive

They were concentrated on the the couple of frames that I had the queen strapped too and i took the queen box off and she was not in there, so I'm assuming all signs point to the first step of success.

So, I'm not going to count my bee's before they brood, but I am confident we are on the right track. So, going forward, the plan for the next week is to feed them nonstop, basically get their wax glands working so they get some comb drawn, cause hopefully, if we continue on the right track, we will be able to open up the hive next week and see brood starting.

keep your fingers crossed.

So, what do you feed hungry new hive bees? The answer is simple, Simple Syrup! Sugar water can have different concentrations, depending on what you need the bees to do, everything from start making comb to making it through the winter to making more babies.

I went with the 1:1 concentration. Three cups sugar to three cups of water and it took all of 5 minutes.
I got the recipes and info from here .

Once its all cooled off, Im going to take it to the bees, check what they have so far and how far they got on their pollen patter and refresh their supply. I will probably keep the front feeder full every day for the next week and a half,

The ladies safely in their new home. ahh, yeah

My father in law, the co-conspirator on the bee operation, says they are looking pretty good. I'll update as soon as I have anything exciting, or at least exciting to me comes up.

Nora, Beekeeper.

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