A Novice Beekeeper Married into an Azorian Family. It's an Adventure.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Painting bee boxes

I lied...this isn't about honey comb...that will be next.....but..

I have been painting. Bee boxes need to be protected from the sun/wind/rain and the elements.
Generally, people paint there boxes white. WHAT!? WHITE!! BLA!!! How messed up is that?
I choose something other than white. I chose yellow. A gentle, pleasant and nice yellow

here is the box while I got the glue off the corners. We went a little tiny overboard with the glue, but this sucker isn't going to come apart.

Here they are put together. I had to test to make sure all the frames fit into it.

one coat of primer. I cannot begin to express my amazement at how fast this dried!

And, finally....the boxes with their first coat of yellow on.
I think we are going to dedicate this to Grandpa...so once its dry and put together, its going to be the Grandpa Azevedo Memorial Beehive. My father in law said he would have been excited and happy about this, as he was a farm boy growing up. I miss Crotchety old Grandpa. :)

My FIL (that's his gansta name. :) ) checked with the neighbours about this, as we don't want a hive near someone that has an allergy, and sometimes you just don't know with neighbours. My in-laws are old school...they know their neighbours, so that was an easy thing to bring up. Everyone seems pretty excited about the bees. Even the family with two little girls are excited....apparently the girls are familiar with bees and wont have issues. I love it when kids are let out to play in the back yard and aren't addicted to the computers like we are. lol. To be fair, I grew up playing outside and getting dirty, which is part of why I'm so freaking excited about the bees. It was really therapeutic to paint the boxes knowing that soon, I will have a little colony to take care of. I am researching how to do the transfer. Ernie and I will get this handled..The Hive with my harem of ladies will be going soon.....three weeks till we expect packet delivery.

the saga continues